Thursday, June 08, 2006

Participate in Forums for more Traffic

A fairly simple way to boost traffic to you blog is to take part in forums. Search for forums that already have a lot of traffic. This is also more effective if you pu in your 2 cents at forums that are related to your blog. Besides creating a link on the site for search engines to grab, all the thousands of users that surf the busy forum will read past your comment. The curious ones will check out your site, and if your content is valuable enough to them they will continue to return. This free advertising can also establish credibility for your site with the comments you leave on the related forum.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Links = More Web Traffic Part 2

Now that you know the basics about links, what should you watch out for? First off, when trading links make sure you know what page you site will be linked on. There is a big difference between linking to you from the homepage or a page that is hard to find and very far from the homepage. This would make the link exchange almost useless to you. People surfing the web and search engines will not be able to use the link very well, therefore not boosting your traffic and rankings.

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Also it is smart to not associate with certain sites that will hurt your reputation. For example, some of these sites could possibly be pornographic or related to gambling. These may also hurt your relationship with advertisers because it could be against their terms of service. So be cautious.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Best Deals on Domains

For Domain Registration, has become popular because it is so cheap, but it lacks reliability and customer service (they also charge for phone support). reviews:

  • "Stick to domain registration, leave hosting to the professionals. Downtime constant, no support. Might be cheap but you get what you pay for..."
  • "I sign up for hosting in with 500Mb of space and 100 email accounts. When I am going to setup my email account, they are only 3MB each. It is totally usless for me. This limitation was not on the description of the plan."
  • "They cost me hundreds of dollars in billing errors and refused to correct the matter. I was told they would have a supervisor contact me but never did. They were also rude and insulting. I will NEVER use them again."
As shown they are less than quality. I have a special surprise for Blogging 4 Money readers. A Promo code for a trusted and reliable domain registar and host.
  • The code is: BLOG4MONEY.
  • This code gives you a free $20.00.
So you can get an awsome webhost for GoDaddy prices! gives DreamHost a rating of 9.49 out of 10
  • "I was introduced to DreamHost when 2 separate clients of mine needed site redesigns... I "converted" about a year & 1/2 ago, and have been happier with each passing month! The account panel is easy to use, and allows me to help clients with their own accounts through my access. DH consistently keeps feature upgrades, including new software releases and security updates, on the forefront of their service. I've currently got about 90% of my client base hosting their sites with DH!"
Best of luck everyone.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

54 Ways to get Traffic to your Blog

The following was posted by Seth Godin :

  1. Use lists.
  2. Be topical... write posts that need to be read right now.
  3. Learn enough to become the expert in your field.
  4. Break news.
  5. Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
  6. Be among the first with a great blog on your topic, then encourage others to blog on the same topic.
  7. Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you.
  8. Announce news.
  9. Write short, pithy posts.
  10. Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list.
  11. Don't write about your cat, your boyfriend or your kids.
  12. Write long, definitive posts.
  13. Write about your kids.
  14. Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
  15. Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back.
  16. Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
  17. Tag your posts. Use
  18. Coin a term or two.
  19. Do email interviews with the well-known.
  20. Answer your email.
  21. Use photos. Salacious ones are best.
  22. Be anonymous.
  23. Encourage your readers to digg your posts. (and to use furl and reddit). Do it with every post.
  24. Post your photos on flickr.
  25. Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS.
  26. Start at the beginning and take your readers through a months-long education.
  27. Include comments so your blog becomes a virtual water cooler that feeds itself.
  28. Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always have new readers.
  29. Highlight your best posts on your Squidoo lens.
  30. Point to useful but little-known resources.
  31. Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0.
  32. Write about Google.
  33. Have relevant ads that are even better than your content.
  34. Don't include comments, people will cross post their responses.
  35. Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you.
  36. Run no ads.
  37. Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle.
  38. Write about blogging.
  39. Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day.
  40. Invent a whole new kind of art or interaction.
  41. Post on weekdays, because there are more readers.
  42. Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers.
  43. Post on weekends, because there are fewer new posts.
  44. Don't interrupt your writing with a lot of links.
  45. Dress your blog (fonts and design) as well as you would dress yourself for a meeting with a stranger.
  46. Edit yourself. Ruthlessly.
  47. Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention.
  48. Be patient.
  49. Give credit to those that inspired, it makes your writing more useful.
  50. Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically.
  51. Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become definitive.
  52. Write in English.
  53. Better, write in Chinese.
  54. Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority.
  55. Don't be boring.
  56. Write stuff that people want to read and share.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

How Often to Post on Your Blog

All our blogs are different due to our content and readers, but how often should we post? From my experience there are two different successful posting rates for ACTIVE blogs. One is to post daily. When this is done, your posts do not have to be super long, but make them easy to understand. When you post, you'll see your traffic go up and then slowly decline until your post the next day. Continue to feed the traffic spikes by posting at least once a day.

Another option is to post every two to three days. When you do this make your articles longer and higher quality. Your readers will keep returning because your articles are in depth. This is good for people who do not want to keep watch on their blog every single day. Both of these are good options and can lead you to success. Try experimenting and check which is giving you the best results. How often do you post?

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